52 project/ #46

It's been a while since I posted one of these. All that I can say is family life has been busy and living has taken priority over recording. These were taken on Barbados's east coast near beautiful Bathsheba. A must-visit part of the island. Very quiet. Undeveloped. A lot like some of the beaches on the east coast of England. Except hot! Hopefully I'll get to carry on with this series until the end of the year. Perhaps...
Lila - Doesn't go in for imaginary games now as much as she used to. Except here, on this beach. This place is magical and it seems to awaken something in her. I love watching her play.
Oscar - Just roaming around - in and out of rock pools, finding bits of driftwood. Looking for things to build a fort out of.
Iris - Copying the other two and happily playing on her own. She pretended this stone was a tiny little bunny. I love you can see how sunbleached her hair is in this photo.